Recipe: Perfect Tri-Tip

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Tri-Tip. Simpson's Meats Delivers Premium Quality Tri Tip Right To Your Doorstep. From Single Cow Ground Beef & Steaks, To Pork, Chicken & Roasts, We Have It All. The tri-tip is a triangular cut of beef from the bottom sirloin subprimal cut, consisting of the tensor fasciae latae muscle.

Tri-Tip What makes it special is the full flavor it promises for an affordable price. Season tri-tip and roast in the oven for an easy-fix dinner. You can also grill tri-tip roasts. You can have Tri-Tip using 1 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Tri-Tip

  1. Prepare of Tri-tip.

Place meat on preheated grill and brush with garlic-vinegar mixture. I tried the Tri-Tip (grilled or oven-roasted) recipe. The tri-tip steak is cut from the tri-tip roast, which is part of the bottom sirloin subprimal cut. It is an economic piece of meat that is full of flavor—it is far less expensive than other equally flavorful steaks such as the rib-eye.

Tri-Tip instructions

  1. Get a pre-rubbed Tri-tip from Costco (2.5Lbs).
  2. Sear 5 min on each side (10 min total) on the BBQ at 500 degrees F.
  3. Bake in oven for 20 min at 400 degrees F.
  4. Rest for 5 min and eat.

The tri-tip has excellent marbling (the fat running through the meat) and is very tender as long as you don. Tri-tip, a flavorful and fairly lean boneless cut of beef from the bottom sirloin, is also called 'triangular' roast because of its shape. This grilled tri-tip recipe tastes gourmet, but is actually very easy to make. It's a perfect dinner for guests. To oven-roast a tri-tip, prepare meat with rub and refrigerate as instructed.
